Thursday, June 11, 2015

Nipping the bud

photo courtesy of

   So I've managed to wake up early for work. And it's been consistent. What I didn't notice early on is that I tend to sleep in the middle of the day. Not the nap kind of sleep. What I would do is after waking up at around 5 am and work until around 7 or 8 am, I would go to sleep and wake up an hour later. After waking up, I continue where I left off and work for about 20 to 30 minutes. After that I would go to sleep again for an hour. This process repeats around three to four times and it's not fun. 
I don't feel energized or refreshed. To add to that, I tend to be more lethargic and lazy. The plan is to nip this unproductive sleep and try my best to keep myself awake the entire morning. Good luck to me then.  

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