Thursday, December 18, 2014

Gossip Girls

photo courtesy of

   Working from home has completely erased the chances of me falling into hours of gossiping with co-workers. Not only has this increased my productivity, but also made me focus my energy on finishing the job. I always fall into the trap of gossiping with my co-workers that tasks eventually pile up and I have to extend extra effort just to finish them. Since I don't have anyone to gossip with here at home, my workflow have been fluid. 
   But there are times, like today where I enjoyed falling into the trap. Female parental unit sat beside me while she was changing pillow covers and started dumping a lot of neighborhood gossip. Normally, I just smile and try to zone her out. But today, I found myself engaging with her while still working. Not only did I found it odd, but also amusing. Days like this should be like the one we had. This is one memorable perk of working from home.   

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