Thursday, December 4, 2014

Nappy Time

photo from

   When I was young, I hated taking naps. Whenever we were in the province, this was strictly enforced because it was supposed to make us grow taller. At seven years old, I knew they weren't telling the truth. It even went as far as me telling my mother that the only reason we're being "forced" to taking naps is because the adults (them) are lazy and deemed them irresponsible. 

   Through the years, taking a nap in the afternoon has somehow found its way into my system. Now I can't go on a day without shutting my eye for half an hour in the afternoon, especially right after eating. There were times when my nap would go for about several hours which would leave me awake the entire night. Fine tuning my nap time has led me to better sleep in the evening. Knowing what time I should hit the sack at night gives me an idea when to take a nap and how long it should be. It also has allowed me to be more alert especially when I'm working. I don't feel anxious whenever I do the tasks given to me.

   Basically, everyone who naps has his or her system in integrating this into their daily lives. Though some might view it as a waste of time or makes them feel like they're missing out on something, napping is one of those pleasures that does not require a lot of money or effort. And I feel like people should be doing this.

   So nap away. 

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